Discover the eco-friendly
augmented reality platform
for builders and architects
The Australian series that champions sustainable housing using HoloLens 2 Tech
Australian Homeowners looking to improve their living conditions often wonder
- should I Renovate or Rebuild?

Further benefits of HoloLens and Augmented Reality
- Increased connectivity with remote collaboration
- Iterate design faster with interactive multi-user holographic design review
- Connect senior specialists with on-site personnel anywhere in the world
- Travel, Incidentals, & Operational Cost Savings
Creating a judgment platform for an Australian home improvement television series does not happen in a vacuum. The project had an intense timeline and many different stakeholders. Viewport worked with 10+ of Australia’s leading architects over an ever-evolving landscape of design changes to create the platform and the photoreal renders.
Australia's best architecture visualisations
HoloLens 2 Sustainability goals
Renovate or Rebuild’s focus was on sustainability and eco-friendly housing. A report released by Forrester in November 2021, (The Total Economic Impact™ Of Mixed Reality Using Microsoft HoloLens 2) explains that in addition to avoiding the need for travel, the HoloLens 2 “reduces rework and errors, and minimises use of consumables and PPE.” Making it an easy choice for its reduction of collateral and waste – and perfectly in line with our client’s vision and the core message in the architectural designs and narrative of Renovate or Rebuild.
AR Headsets provide a view of the world around you through clear lenses, which we can then ‘augment’, displaying any manner of information and overlays on top of your real view.
Using the live database and 3D model, combined with AR Ground Plane and Image Recognition technology – can spatially locate any on-site user and provide up to date, interactive plans of all the architectural designs they look at. All are displayed directly in front of their eyes.
We translated the HoloLens user experience into a viewer experience by using an extra headset to capture this ‘Holo-Deck’. Showing people watching at home the exact same database and live 3D model the platform distributed to headsets. Viewers saw a first-person view of the full plans as miniature 3D models overlaid on the show’s presenters, straight from their televisions without the need for AR headsets or tablets.
Look into possible futures
with Extended Reality (XR)
This solution was a world first – not just Perth, not just Australia – the world.
A first for the technology, a first for television, and a first for the building industry. Renovate or Rebuild was the first syndicated television program that used Microsoft HoloLens 2.
Industry-Leading Technology
What are benefits of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 & AR
- Innovate at the leading edge
- Deploy MR to additional departments and roles
- Enhance Client Experience
- Redesign business processes
- Speed up decision-making
- Conduct mixed reality inspections
The use of the HoloLens tech was fully integrated into the flow of the series – the show was not a feature on the Microsoft HoloLens 2, it was not an article, or a news piece, or even a buzz piece. We intended it to converge with the show, to champion the architectural designs.
So while it wasn’t the main event, such an avant-garde technical solution definitely added a point of intrigue with a massive effect
Because no other television show had yet attempted this, nor had any other Australian VR/AR/XR digital studio attempted this complexity, let alone in such a rapid turnaround.
Intuitive & Easy to Use
The experience is extremely intuitive, this was proven by the fact that during one of 2021’s many lockdowns, Renovate or Rebuild’s production team were able to send the devices to people in their own homes. Without any training, these individuals were able to competently operate the platform, their sessions were then used as part of the tv show.
It’s this ease of use that Viewport XR drive into all our products which stems from our user-first design methodology. We seek to understand how useful a specific technology will be for each individual client, rather than just throwing technology at a problem for technology’s sake.
In this instance, the key benefit of augmented reality head-mounted devices – or HMDs – is that they allow you to be wherever you are, in a shared experience. Facebook uses the term “eyes up”, Microsoft opts for “heads-up”, both of these evoke an active state of being untethered, hands-free and present.
It’s Just Getting Started
Mixed reality on HoloLens
gives unparalleled
perspective & experience.
No other technology comes close.
― Corporate Controls Manager,
INTL Construction & Engineering Group